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St. Paul Presbyterian Church - Homepage
St. Paul Presbyterian Church
11 N Park St, San Angelo, TX 76901
(325) 653-5691
Sunday Worship - 10:00 am


St. Paul lives the love of Jesus -- we don't just talk about it.

Before you do mission, you become mission.  St. Paul strives to become a totally inclusive church where people of all viewpoints, racial or social backgrounds, lifestyles and economic circumstances are welcomed to become a part of a family of faith where each person is equally valued and all gifts are shared.

Because the Gospel only once has Jesus telling emphatically, repetitively and specifically on what bases we will be judged -- how we deal compassionately and justly with our least sisters and brothers -- St. Paul has a long history of sacrificial and risky efforts to be faithful to that mandate.

For decades St. Paul has been a strong and faithful supporter to Project Dignidad, the West Texas Counseling and Guidance Center, the Wesley Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, and has rehabbed dozens of houses in our community.

10% of church offerings go directly to local mission, rent and utility support, medication, and other ministries to provide care for those in need. 

Because we believe the time to support necessary ministries of justice and compassion is before they become popular, safe or guaranteed successes, St. Paul has provided either the initial start-up money or free facility use for the Rape Crisis Center, the Children’s Advocacy Center, Adult Day Care Center, Healthy Families, Habitat for Humanity, and other ministries.  Mission requires risk and sacrifice when the time is right.

In addition, the facility is freely offered to over 30 different not-for-profits and programs that meet the needs of children, youth, and the elderly, support groups for victims of physical and emotional difficulties, rehab for parolees and addicts, cultural groups and others providing services.  In addition, it is a “Community Center” for churches from all parts of the community in need of space for banquets, fundraisers, and programs.

The ministers are expected to lead in community efforts to provide service to people in need.  They are expected to provide counseling and support to folks in the community, many of whom are referred by other churches or social agencies.

At St. Paul, mission is the light to the world by which people can see Christ more clearly.

Last updated 1/21/18